Assistant Secretary
Kay Halford and Carolyn Paul to assist.
Assistant Treasurer
Cindie Manzie 0431 376 843
Committee Members
Chris Clancy 0402 844 648
Narelle Gourlay 0417 648 309
Gwenda Smith 0400 818 846
Delegate to the Anzac Day Parade Brisbane Committee
Currently there are no delegates on this forum.
Should there be any matters of interest, direct correspondence with Scott Mackie is undertaken. The
Minutes are distributed to the Secretary, WRAAC following the meeting.
Other Roles and Responsibilities
Well Being Officer Terrie-Ann Howard (Associate Member)
0409 700 581
Archivist Lyn Potter Ph 0412 551 407
Editor Gwenda Smith Ph 0400 818 846
Librarian Daniela Bensen Ph 3869 3190
Merchandise Officer Cindie Manzie Ph 0431 376 843
Webmaster Kay Halford Ph 0413 216 643
Webtechnician Serena Altea (Non Service Woman)
Delegate to the Council of Ex Servicewomen's Association
We remain a financial member of this Association.
There are no delegates on this forum.
If required, direct correspondence to the Council will be undertaken. When the Minutes are finalised we obtain a copy so that it can be shared with members at a General Meeting.